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Minecraft, the astonishing open-world game, has maintained a resilient stance against cryptocurrencies and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). However, a spark of innovation has illuminated this digital universe with the integration of Worldcoin into its servers. In this article, we delve into the depths of this fusion, an alliance that at some point seemed unthinkable, to understand the motivations behind this convergence and how it has marked a significant milestone in the evolution of blockchain technology within the Minecraft world.
Discover the creator of LUCID, Eric Manahan, a unique indie game that blends the best of the genre with an incredible story. Explore his inspiration and the world he has created. Don't miss this exclusive interview that unveils the secrets behind this exciting solo game developer project! Welcome to the world of LUCID. An exclusive interview by AME RUBIK. Welcome to TECH DREAMERS, special edition INDIE GAME.
Aavegotchi es un juego NFT fusionado con un protocolo DeFi que permite apostar tokens dentro del sistema. Se basa en el juego Tamagotchi y está alojado en la red Aave (AAVE). Tamagotchi fue bastante popular durante los años noventa, cuando prácticamente todos tenían un amigo Tamagotchi para alimentar, bañar, vestir y cuidar hasta la edad adulta. Con Aavegotchi, los jugadores pueden crear sus propios Gotchis, que están representados por NFTs que se pueden apostar.