DOMSHACK.IA is an artist who has ventured into the fascinating world of AI-generated art. In their work, one can discern an innovative approach and their ability to leave a lasting impression on their artistic journey.
When it comes to their favorite AI technique, DOMSHACK.IA focuses on representing humans, angels, and animals. What attracts them to this choice is the result they achieve and the texture they can create, especially when using cinematic rendering. On occasion, they complement their work with Photoshop, demonstrating their skill in combining different creative tools to achieve the desired effect. This choice suggests a focus on creating images that convey depth and captivating visual details.
DOMSHACK.IA largely identifies with the cinematic rendering style, revealing an affinity for creating images that evoke the aesthetics and narrative of cinema. In their works, they convey a distinctive approach in the world of AI-generated art, one that seeks to impress and innovate in every piece they create.